Well, I have by no means shot my bow; how can you in one letter but these are a few comments on what interests me. There are so many undiscussed topics such as child bearing; how many TV's feel feminine enough to want to have children; not many I warrant but is this not one of the basic female urges? What part does masturbation play in our lives as a relief when dressing is not opportune; perhaps not much when the heterosexual life is satisfactory; but then does a full sex life diminish the desire to dress; not an easy topic of conversation but very basic to our nature and undiscussed.
FPE seems well served medically but mostly with psychiatrists. I am an M.D. in physical rather than mental medicine and would be happy to discuss medical questions of interest to TV's.
Rosemary FSA-J-1 FPE
Dear Virginia:
You may be interested to hear of an experience that I had when I was first starting to express my femme nature. It took place in one of the large prairie cities.
While wandering about the down town shopping section I found a ladies wear store off on one of the side streets. I will call the lady who operated it Marie (as she was French). I had been in the store a few times and we had become quite friendly and I would have coffee with. her in the back of the store where we would talk about different things. After a lot of thought I decided that I would tell her the truth about myself if and when the opportunity arrived.
This came about much sooner than I had expected, for one day, dropping into the store just before she was closing up for the afternoon, she asked if I would like to help her to rearrange her stock. Of course I said that I would be very glad to do so. We went out and had lunch together, and when we got back I took off my jacket and tie and rolled up my sleeves to do what I could to help her. All went well till we stopped to have a cup of coffee. She said, "You seem to be right at home in handling women's garments.” I said, “Yes, I feel very much at easy doing things like this, you see, I not only like to handle all these nice things, but I am very fond of wearing them as well." She then asked a few questions about myself and then she asked if I would like to be working around in a dress.